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Provide Blood And Medical Facilities -
Pandemic Relief-

Our NGO is committed to providing essential blood and medical facilities to underserved communities. We organize regular blood drives, offer free medical check-ups, and distribute necessary medicines. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals ensures access to quality healthcare, saving lives and promoting well-being for those in need.

Our NGO is tirelessly working to provide pandemic relief by distributing food, hygiene kits, and medical supplies to vulnerable communities. We also offer online mental health support and facilitate vaccination drives. Together, we are combating the impacts of the pandemic and offering hope to those affected.

Free Education-
Social Adoption-

Our NGO is dedicated to providing free education to underprivileged children. We offer quality schooling, learning materials, and support for academic and personal development. By breaking down barriers to education, we empower young minds and create opportunities for a brighter future, fostering a more educated and equitable society.

Our NGO promotes social adoption by fostering connections and empathy within communities. We encourage individuals and organizations to embrace marginalized groups, offering support, acceptance, and opportunities. Through these acts of social adoption, we aim to bridge gaps, reduce discrimination, and create a more inclusive and harmonious society for all.




And in every neighbouring village or district we visit, we try our best to connect people with our NGO. We are inspired by their engagement.

What we did, and what we are doing.

Face Of Future India (FFI) is a Verified non profit organization, it’s initiative by the Presidential Awardees of Government of India to ubiquitously enhance lives for a better society. Everyday thousands of lives are lost across the globe due to uneven distribution of resources among the populace. FFI, by harnessing the power of youth envisions a utopia where resources are justifiably redistributed. We at FFI strongly believe that for a better tomorrow, the youth of a city, a state, a country should be socially responsible and holistically empowered.


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School of Promise Project

Face Of Future India (FFI) is a Verified non profit organization, it’s initiative by the Presidential Awardees of Government of India to ubiquitously enhance lives for a better society. Everyday thousands of lives are lost across the globe due to uneven distribution of resources among the populace. FFI, by harnessing the power of youth envisions a utopia where resources are justifiably redistributed. We at FFI strongly believe that for a better tomorrow, the youth of a city, a state, a country should be socially responsible and holistically empowered.

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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.​

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.​

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